
Fear is like a bully.

It talks big and it intimidates.

It comes out of nowhere and it won’t let up.

It’s a pain in the neck and I can’t stand it.

But if you’ve ever watched a bully in a playground, you’ve probably figured out that there are a couple of things that a bully can’t handle.

So if you’re looking to defeat the bully in your life named fear, let me give you these 3 principles that will help:

1. Get stronger than the bully.

You’ve watched the karate kid. At first, he’s weak. He’s afraid. And he loses. Then comes Mr.Miyagi and the rest as they say is history. Little by little the karate kid gets stronger. He doesn’t look stronger, but trust me, he is stronger. Eventually, he goes up against the bully in his life and he wins. The best way for you to beat the bully called fear is to gain strength little by little. Get into God’s word a little bit each day. Pray consistently. Christ is in you. In Him you are stronger than the bully called fear.

2. Make sure you have good back up.

When my nephews report a bully to me, my first response is to find that kid asap. Instead, I calm down and tell my nephews what to do, emphasizing this critical fact: no matter what happens I’ve got their back. I can almost see the relief in their eyes when I say that. It’s easy to get bold when you know someone stronger than your bully has your back.  Listen up: when it comes to fear in your life,  you have back up!! You have God’s spirit in you. You have Christ’s presence with you. You have God’s word as your sword, and the shield of faith to protect you. You have pretty intense back up. So breathe.

3. Learn from your “Been there Done that”.

The first time you do something scary, like bungee jump or go on a roller coaster, you’re petrified. Eventually, you stop being so afraid. It’s the same when it comes to fear. When it comes to facing your fears, you’ve been there and you’ve done that. You already know the gig. Most of the things you worry about won’t happen anyway. If they do, you’ll still be ok. I know because I’ve been there and I’ve done that. The very things I’ve feared have come to pass, and I’m still alive to tell about it. Christ’s presence has stayed near me, and His joy has continued to be my strength. 

At the end of the day, Christ has already nailed the bully named fear on the cross of calvary.

In Christ He who is with you is greater than He who is in the world.

In Christ you are more than a conqueror.

In Christ the bully named fear can’t touch you.