Could Doubt be Killing Your Dream?


Thomas doubted.

People who doubt love to point to Thomas.

They love to talk about the fact that Jesus loves doubters -  and He most certainly does.

They love to talk about the fact that Jesus understands doubters - and He most certainly does.

But consider with me the parable of the withered fig tree. It's in Mark 11:20-26.Read more

3 Kinds of Patients that Doctors Don't Like


I know.

It's hard for you to reconcile that a doctor might have negative feelings towards a patient.

Or you may think that I'm the exception to many rules.

I'm not.

The truth is that there are 3 kinds of patients that most doctors don't particularly care for:

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Has God Lived up to your Expectations?


It's a common story.

We have expectations.

They don't happen.

We become disappointed and blame God for it.

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5 Characteristics of a Celebrity Christian


Famous Christians.

We love to criticize them.

We hate to love them.

But no matter what we think of them, they seem to be here to stay.

I'm not talking about famous people who happen to be Christians.

I'm talking about Christians who become famous.

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A Personal Message from God

Dear _________, (fill in your name)

I am God.

You are not.

I've got everything under control, so I suggest you resign from trying to run the world and take the rest of the day off.

It will be a lot more fun for you. Trust me.

PS I love you.


I am an Advocate for Women


I am not a feminist.

I grew up in a Middle Eastern home attending an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church.

Don't worry. I no longer do. But admit it, it doesn't get any more conservative than that.

I am, perhaps unsurprisingly, given my background, not included in the circle of Christian self-proclaimed feminist women who are trying to empower the world.

It used to bother me. I mean, I write. I speak. I blog. I breathe. Why would I be left out of such a group of world changing influencers?Read more

The only thing to do in the darkness


Some days are dark.

You don't know what to do.

You don't know where to go.

You're not sure who to listen to.

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Redefining Extraordinary


We humans are a bit weird about extraordinary.

We're obsessed with being extraordinary.

We look up to the pastor with the biggest church.

We admire men with a lot of money and power.

We envy people with thousands upon thousands of followers.Read more

Life by a Drying Brook


Every Christian needs to know about the drying brook Cherith.

The Cherith is mentioned in 1 Kings 17:1-7 early in the story of Elijah.

The prophet has just pronounced a 3 year drought over Israel when God sends him to the brook Cherith.

The Cherith is the place you and I will inevitably end up at some point during our Christian life.Read more

Friday Links and Cool Things

Here are 7 cool thoughts and links for you to end the week with:

  • A great book to read about brokenness (it's also really really short): A tale of 3 kings.
  • I've been obsessed with Elijah lately. My favorite verse for the week is from 1 Kings 18:21: "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him."Read more