Are You Addicted to Mom Blogs?


Hey! Are you addicted to mom blogs?

Do you wake up in the morning and make your way to your favorite 5, or let's say 10 virtual neighborhoods?

You laugh with people you've never met. You cry with people you wish you'd meet. You dream.

Before you know it, it's lunch time and the kids are still in their pajamas watching cartoons.

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Is it Ok for me to Watch the Housewives?


Someone recently asked me this question:

Is it ok for me to watch the housewives?

My immediate response was heck no.

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The 2 Things our World Desperately Needs


There are only 2 things our world really needs.

We don't need more money. We don't need more food.

We don't need more laughter, although that wouldn't hurt one bit.

We don't need more opinions or more books or another cable channel.

We don't need more entertainment and we don't need more sex.Read more

What Makes the Africans So Happy?


I am one of those American suckers that loves everything about Africa.

In my handful of trips to the other side of the world, I have found myself rejuvenated, excited, and just plain happy.

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What God says about your Insecurities


There's no bondage like the bondage of insecurity.

If unbroken, it will steal your joy, your peace, your life.

God wants more for your life than that. He wants more for you than fear.Read more

How to be Still


Everybody's into yoga these days.

We hear about the power of meditation, bikram yoga, hot yoga, young yoga, male and female yoga.

I even found a yoga at O'hare kind of yoga.

Whether you're into yoga or not, and whether you have your own version of Christian yoga or not, the truth is that we all crave silence. Read more

How to Make it Through the Longest Winter of your Life


It's no secret that we've had the longest winter of our lives.

If you live in California and are reading this, we don't like you right now.

But whether you live in Africa or Alaska, the fact is that we've all felt the brittle cold of winter at various times in our lives. Read more

21 Habits of Singles who Thrive


Thriving doesn't just happen.

It's intentional. It's gradual. It's incremental

If you're single like I am, thriving is not an option. It's God's will for you and it's more than just an idea. It's yours today if you'll adopt these 21 Habits of Singles who Thrive:

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5 Wrong Assumptions that Singles Make


When it comes to love, dating, and the single Christian, the assumptions you make will become the thoughts that you think.

And the thoughts that you think will become the feelings that you feel.

So if you're not careful, your entire Christian life can become derailed with just one wrong assumption.

In an effort to avoid disaster, let me remind you of 5 wrong assumptions that single Christians make:Read more

Dating Games: A Fool Proof Way to Win the Gold


The Olympics are going on right now in case you haven't noticed.

Yesterday I wrote a post on 17 Reasons why you're still single. We reveled in our singleness and some of you appreciated my perspective more than others.

But what if you don't want to be single anymore? What if your dream is to get a gold in your dating games and land the big one?Read more