21 Things Every Great Leader Knows


Do you aspire to be a great leader?

Here are 21 things every great leader knows:Read more

21 Things Spiritually Strong People Don't Do


There is nothing more appealing than someone who is spiritually strong.

Whether it's a Biblical hero like Esther or Joseph, or a modern day hero like Billy Graham, there are some things that spiritually strong people tend to do and think. And other things that they don't do.

The following is a list of 21 actions that spiritually strong people don't do:Read more

Do you Trust Yourself?


How much do you trust yourself?

Do you think you're strong enough? Able enough? Smart enough? Nice enough?

Well, guess what?Read more

4 Principles on Transformational Leadership


There are 2 kinds of leaders in the world.

Some leaders do what others tell them to. They read books about leadership and follow formulas, and they become the same kinds of leaders that we already know.


Then there's a different kind of leader.Read more

How I've stuck to my Diet during the Christmas Food Frenzy

Santa Claus Measuring Fat Belly

In case you're still wondering, yes - I'm still on my diet.

Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly how many pounds I've lost because I can't see the scale very clearly from where I stand.

But once I worked past the carb withdrawal headache and the fiber heavy diet, I was on a roll.

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What Kind of Appointments do you Have Today?


If you're like me, you don't like to be interrupted.

You have a plan in mind, an agenda for the day, and you hope nothing will stand in your way.

There once was a man named Jonah who had an agenda for his day. Jonah's plan wasn't God's plan, but it was his plan for better or for worse.

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How to Position Yourself for Success

road to success

My dad wants my sister to name her son Solomon.

I can understand why.

Solomon is my dad's uncle, who put him through college.

He's also the wisest man who ever lived.Read more

On the Outside Looking in


Do you ever feel like you're on the outside looking in?

Like you'll never make it, you'll never fit in, you're never going to be one of the guys?

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The Myth of the Perfect Leader


We all want to live in the bubble that our leader is perfect.

It doesn't matter if it's the president of our company, or the pastor of our church, as long as we maintain the myth that he's (or she's) perfect, the better we breathe.

But if you've lived for any amount of time you know that there is no such thing as a perfect leader.

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Leadership Lessons when you Have No Followers


Moses was arguably one of the greatest leaders of all times.

Yet for 40 years of his life, he did not have one single follower.

It was during these 40 wilderness years that God taught Moses some of the greatest lessons on leadership that would later sustain him through his heroic years.

Let me share with you 4 lessons on leadership from the life of Moses when he had no followers:

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