4 Strategies to Loving People you Don't Like


This will be hard for you to imagine, but I don't like every single person I meet.

Some people I take to a whole lot easier than others.

And my response is to treat those I like better than I treat those I naturally don't like.

That's a problem, if you're a follower of Jesus. Read more

5 Ways to Handle Conflict


I wish I could say that my life was free of conflict.

It's not. And whether it's my fault or theirs, I have found that there are 5 ways to handle every area of conflict in your life:Read more

Man vs. God: Who are you Afraid of?

cre8 #1 Path

Man Vs. God.

Who you fear determines how you feel.

Who you please determines what you do.

You can't please both. 

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42 things I Picked up in 41 years


As many of you know, yesterday was my birthday.

So indulge me - an admittedly compulsive list lover - with a list of 42 things things I learned in my 41st year:

1. Summary of my 41st year in 1 verse: Isaiah 30:15.

2. Best decision at 41: Eat healthy. I've lost 20 pounds and never felt stronger.

3. Best new idea I had in year 41: The Thrive Conference. You can still sign up now and I'm officially announcing the next Thrive Conference location in Door County on August 2! 

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Some Things are Either/Or


Most of us like to leave our options open. Instead of Either/Or, we like to think of things as Both/And.

But when it comes to our walk in Christ, some things are simply just Either / Or:Read more

5 Ways to End a Fight


I'm amazed by how angry people generally are.

I'm not excluding myself. I'm just observing that it doesn't take much to start  fight.

You could be driving, or in the grocery store. You could be at work or at play.

One word. One look. One thought.

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4 Reasons God Hasn't Failed you


I confess: Sometimes, I feel like I've been short-changed by God. 

Like I've put more skin in the game than He appreciates.

Like I've pulled my own weight, and I'm still waiting for Him to pull His.

I'm ashamed to say it out loud, but it's true.

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5 Wrong Assumptions that Singles Make


When it comes to love, dating, and the single Christian, the assumptions you make will become the thoughts that you think.

And the thoughts that you think will become the feelings that you feel.

So if you're not careful, your entire Christian life can become derailed with just one wrong assumption.

In an effort to avoid disaster, let me remind you of 5 wrong assumptions that single Christians make:Read more

Dating Games: A Fool Proof Way to Win the Gold


The Olympics are going on right now in case you haven't noticed.

Yesterday I wrote a post on 17 Reasons why you're still single. We reveled in our singleness and some of you appreciated my perspective more than others.

But what if you don't want to be single anymore? What if your dream is to get a gold in your dating games and land the big one?Read more

And That's Why You're Still Single


Everyone wants to know why you (and I) are still single.

Before you roll your eyes and check your brain out at the door, take a look at my list of 17 Reasons why you’re still single:

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