When I Want Something So Bad that God Hasn't Given (yet)


Do you ever want something that God just hasn't given you yet?

I'm not talking about something that's bad for you.

I don't mean something sinful.

I'm talking about something that really seems like God's will in your life.Read more

Are you Going through a Rough Patch Right Now?


Pain. It's part of our broken world.

I hate it.

The nurses joke that my favorite medication is motrin. I give it to everyone - just in case.

Just in case they're hurting. Just in case it's painful and I can't feel it.

I think about you, reading my blog, week after week. I wonder about you. I pray for you. I sometimes ache for you. Read more

When I Don't Have What it Takes


Do you ever feel like you don't have what it takes?

Like you're not good enough? You're not smart enough? You're not creative enough? You're not resourced enough?

That's a great place to be.

We all have desperate need in our lives. Read more

You Know that Thing you Wish you Had?


There are some things in life that I wish I had.

How about you? What do you wish you had?

Do you wish for a friendship in a season of loneliness? Do you wish for a family after years of singleness?

Do you wish for clarity on what you should do next? Or for impact for His kingdom in your day to day activities?

Do you wish for a bigger house, or a car that actually works, or for your health to finally catch up with your dreams?

Here are 4 things you need to know about that thing that you wish you had:Read more

Introducing a New Word to your Christian Dictionary


Today I'd like to introduce you to a new word in our Christian dictionary:


As in, "Today I'm Muellering it for God".

In other words, I'm not going to panic.Read more

Thursdays with Tori: An Acting Exercise on Faith


Tori Tellschow is our ministry intern at Living with Power. Tori is a student at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California. Every Thursday, she writes a blog for us. 

We did an exercise in my acting class that broke me emotionally this week.

I'd love it if you participated in the same exercise with me:Read more

Lord, I Need a Breakthrough


"Lord, I need a breakthrough".

Have you ever felt like this?  Do you understand the longing for breakthrough in your life?

Maybe you're there right now. You're on the verge of giving up. You're barely holding on to the hope that someway, somehow, God is going to show up.

That's a great place to be, my friend. You're closer than you think.

Read more

I Trust you But....


We like to fool ourselves into thinking we trust God.

But is it really trust when we approach it this way:Read more

Thursdays with Tori

Tori Tellschow is my new ministry intern/social media manager and all around awesome. This is her first post here and expect to hear from her on Thursdays!



It’s one thing to sing out to Jesus with all you’re worth.

But it’s another thing completely to let go of your fear and do what He asks simply because He is worth it all.Read more

5 Things that Will Never Change


I'm writing this blog in the past.

It's February 21 today, and I've planned the blog schedule well ahead of time because I knew how my life would look in the past month.

So even though it's Feb 21, I'm writing a post for March 21.

I suppose I'm writing in faith.Read more