Odds and Ends and Updates


It's Friday!

I hope you're enjoying this new site design and are getting back in the groove of regular daily blog posts. I won't be blogging on weekends, but expect to receive an email from me Monday through Friday if you Subscribe! Otherwise just keep checking back in to see what's new here!

I'd love to fill you in on some things going on this week:Read more

Does God have Favorites?


Do you ever wonder if God has favorites?

I used to look at other people who have what I want and wonder what I did wrong.

How come they didn't seem to have to wait as long as I did?

How come they didn't seem to suffer like I did?

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How to be Awesome when you feel Average


Here was my basic plan: I'd start an awesome new website then start writing some pretty awesome blog posts.

Every. Single. Day. From. Here. On. Out.

What I didn't count on was moving into my house all over again on Day 2 of the launch of said infamous amazing website.

What I didn't count on was being so tired my fingers could barely move.

What I didn't count on was that most days in my life consist of ear infections and colds, with only an intermittent infusion of cardiac arrests and hypovolemic shock.

Yeah...Read more

Am I Going to Make it?


It's been a month.

It's been exactly 30 days since my house flooded.

I didn't think I'd make it. When it first happened, I wanted to sell the place and run as fast as I could.

But who wants to buy a flooded house?

So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

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God in a Box


It's much more comfortable to put God in a box.

It's easier to think we can control Him.

Go to church on Sundays, read your Bible every day, give 10% of your paycheck, and say you're sorry when you gossip, and things will go your way.

We decide which 10 things make us a good Christian and we draw our lines in the sand.

"If you agree with my 10 things, then we can be friends. But if you don't, well I'm not even sure you're a Christian".Read more

4 Things to Consider when you're Afraid


It's a simple story - really.

Jesus and the disciples get into a boat. Suddenly a storm comes out of nowhere.

The disciples panic.

Jesus doesn't. He stops the storm. And they live happily ever after - until the next major storm.

You can read it in Matthew 8:23-27. It's a story that sounds so familiar because we've all been there.

Everything is fine until the waves start to rise. Everything is ok until the wind threatens to destroy us. And like the disciples, we have to answer the inevitable question that Jesus asks:Read more

3 Kinds of People in the Waiting Room


I work in an ER where we're known for our waiting rooms.

I don't want to brag, but when I'm working in the ER, nobody ever waits.

I'm that good. Or at least I tell myself that.

Regardless, as I reflect over the kinds of people who wait, I've come to the conclusion that

there are 3 kinds of people in every waiting room:Read more